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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Make It Yourself Monday: Eco-Friendlier Fabric Softener (part 1)

I discovered recently that dryer sheets (used and unused) are VERY dangerous for my pets (specifically 2 dogs who chew on EVERYTHING that's not tied down and looks remotely destructible - no, really just everything!). I read that if they ingested enough of them they could die from the toxicity. I'll have to find the specifics on this to add to the post later.

The point is that I wondered how on earth I could keep them from getting into them as they seem to end up lying all around they house after we do laundry. It's like someone used them for confetti.

In a recent issue of Mother and Child Reunion a contributor submitted an idea for a less expensive alternative to dryer sheets that I think is probably better for the environment (and my dogs).

Buy a box carton refill of any liquid fabric softener you like (or want to try). Pour the amount required for a single load into a container and leave a sponge or thick washcloth soaking in it. When you are ready to dry a load of laundry, ring out most of the liquid from the sponge or cloth and toss it in the dryer. When ringing use your best judgement, I think the idea is that there is no dripping but that there is enough to spread as the clothes are tossed about!

The idea is that your fabric softener will go 2-3x further and you will spare the landfills some waste!

Let's try it together this week and let us know how it went for you!

Next week's installment of MIYM is on Homemade Fabric Softener!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I'll try it next time I do laundry. I'm all for reducing my contribution to the landfill and washcloths will last me for years.
