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Monday, January 14, 2008

Opting for Eco-Friendly (and Family Friendly) Cleaning

It's a very liberating decision to make...to STOP buying all those lovely, "clean" smelling, cleaning products with the scary labels on them! Aside from the obvious money savings, there is an eco-factor that I was really ready to embrace.

I love the fact that I can clean anything anytime with water, vinegar, baking soda and lemon! My baby girl and very curious son can literally get under the kitchen sink and play if they want to without Mom worrying about what they might be drinking!

I do however, still have a problem. What do I do with the leftovers?

I have boxes of bottles and packages of things I know I shouldn't simply throw away (I mean how can I be eco-anything if I trash the "eco" part doing it?) but I know I'll feel hypocritical using until they're gone! I'm one of those "all or nothing" types.

Allie at Allie's Answers addressed this very topic recently and thank goodness she did!

Check your local government's website for locations that accept HHW and any restrictions or guidelines!

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