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Monday, February 11, 2008

Organics...Really, Really Better For You!

So, imagine that you are a tiny little baby...pure and simple. What would you want put in your body??

The more I think about my children and their pristine little bodies, the more I conjure up a list of the vast array of chemicals that must coarse through their veins just from walking down the street. When I think of the foods I'm giving them I have to wonder what's in those foods?

Possibly you've heard of studies performed in recent years to test the blood of humans and animals for toxic substances. Even the US GAO (General Accouting Office) proposed and outlined a study in 2000 for quantifying the potential risk from toxins in the air, land, homes and even in our foods. The agricultural methods employed today by US farmers are ones of economic survival. They are forced to produce larger and more plentiful crops in order to keep pace with imports. This requires ennumerable chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and soil additives. These toxins become part of the food we eat. Whether we are eating US grown or imported produce, meat, dairy, etc. we are exposing ourselves to unknown chemicals.

The only way to avoid this is to know the path our food takes from seed to stomach! The only way to do this is grow it yourself, or buy organic or locally grown products and get to know your farmer (through Community Supported Agriculture or Local Farmers Markets)!

Watch our blog for ways to make organics and all natural foods more affordable!

For more reasons to make room in your budget and to adjust your families palate for organics and natural foods, read the articles below.

Now, I realize this next link is meant to be helpful and informative to consumers but the way I see it...it illustrates WHY organic foods are a better choice. The idea that I shouldn't eat a lot of apples so that I don't build up a high level of the particular pesticide used on apple trees is absurd!

Also check out the EPA's National Organic Program for labeling info and fact sheets

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