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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things I Learned Today...

I used to (before I had children and when I had some form of adult time!) feel like I'd had a good day if I learned at least one new "relevant" thing...now that I have kids I am guaranteed to learn several new things, however, their relevancy is in question most of the time!

Note to the old me: Today was a VERY good day!

First, I learned that I DO still miss my morning coffee! (ehh, too sad and long to get into here!)

But more importantly I learned that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for yeast, flaxseed meal and wheat germ! Now, considering that I am writing a blog about saving money on whole foods you wouldn't think that would surprise me but, nonetheles, it did.

We make all our own breads and granola so I'm going through these items VERY quickly.

I was at a local natural foods store and discovered they buy and bag bulk flaxseed meal, wheat germ and yeast. The flaxseed meal and wheat germ were from Bob's Red Mill and cost me about $1 less a pound than the pre-bagged stuff right around the corner! The yeast was only $2.50 for a bag twice, wait - correction...3 times the size of the jar I buy at my local grocery store where it costs me at least $4.

I was so happy and proud of myself.

I also noted that I should NOT by pre-bagged whole wheat flour there. They sell the same brand my local grocer does and it was $2 more per 5lbs. I didn't have time to check the prices on the bulk flour - my son needed to be picked up and my daughter was getting impatient! Oh well, save something for another day!

Check your whole foods store's bulk goods area and hopefully you can snag some deals!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your information. really fantastic post. i like this blog. keep it up!!!! :)

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