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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Frugal Friday: You say Swiffer, I say Spiffer...

I have accomplished an eco-friendly, frugal milestone this year! I haven't bought a cleaning product since September...well okay, I have bought one cleaning product but that's only because I have two dogs and two small children. Have you SEEN how messy they can be???

Swiffer makes my life easier and while I am truly committed to bettering the environment and teaching my children that you can be green and still live in the suburbs, I can't fly in the face of basic convenience all the time!

That sent me on a search for a better swiffer solution. I purchased some homemade reusable refills on eBay but they are too thin and floppy to hold much dust ,and it gets really dusty in my house (did I mention the kids and the dogs?)!

I finally found this article "How to Hack your Swiffer" at treehugger.com and thought they had linked some great ideas for using your swiffer in a more frugal manner and saving the environment. My favorite is the "spiffer", I just need to talk my sister into making one for me!

Let us know if you try it and how it worked or if you have a swiffer hack!


Candace said...

I love my swiffer too!
1 dog, 1 cat, 3 kids here.
Thanks for sharing, I will check it out.

Melissa said...

I love my swiffer, too, and I never could justify using a disposable cloth every time. I'd never thought of making a stylish cover for it, but I wrap it in a piece of flannel (a rag, an old dustcloth, etc.). It's similar to the idea at "How to Hack..." but I've found that flannel holds onto the crumbs much better than smoother fabrics do.

Mom2fur said...

I like that image of a Swiffer in a sweater, LOL! I wrap pieces of old t-shirts around it and staple them in place--really trailer park, but efficient and free, LOL!

Lisa said...

I got a Method O-Mop it's green, non-toxic cleaner and I think it's easier to use and works better than a swiffer. :)

Lilly said...

I hated the idea of paying for more solution for my Swiffer Wet Jet. There's a hack on Instructables that shows how to refil the bottles of cleaning solution. (Basically, you cut through the ring around the bottle neck and presto! a cap you can screw on and off) I just refil mine with a vinegar-and-essential-oil mixture.